How To Follow Up Email After Application – Things To Avoid
How To Follow Up Email After Application
When seeking out a job online, you may be inclined to send a follow-up email after applying for a job. However, it is essential to understand that there are significant factors about when it is appropriate to send your email, so that may improve your chance of landing your desired position. After all, even though you may be using email to apply for a job, timing does matter.
Competition for a job can be fierce, but sending of a follow-up email after application too soon may make you appear aloof or desperate. Additionally, depending on the number of applicants who respond to a job post via email, the hiring manager may find it irritating to see yet another additional email on top of an already overwhelming heap through which they have to sort.
If you keep a few key points in mind, you can stand out from the competition of potential job applicants.
Have Some Patience
In today's modern society, it may be difficult to adjust to the idea of not receiving a response right away to an email. Thanks to smartphones and the internet, many people typically expect a rapid fire of information or instantaneous results. However, when it comes to job applications, online interaction may show that it has more similarities to the world offline. If you are a viable applicant, they will call you.
It is a good call to give a potential employer at least two full weeks before sending off a follow-up email after application. By the time two weeks have passed, it should be adequate time for an employer to sort through all of the emails of potential candidates. Some employers do take the time to methodically go through each email, especially if the amount of emails is not overwhelming in number.
When you send off an email to inquire about how the application process is going, you want to give an air of confidence and genuine interest. An email hastily written in a bout of anxiety can quickly multiply into numerous emails, especially if you feel like maybe your email didn't get noticed, or you feel it will call more attention to yourself. However, this would only serve to attract negative attention from an employer.
Make It Hard For Employers To Ignore You For The Right Reasons
When it comes to sending an email to employers, you want employers to find you attractive for standout qualities that make you an irresistible hiring choice.
Namely, you want to make sure that your email covers the following points of interest.
Show Off Your Value
Remind the employer how you offer value, and give examples that are relevant to the position and company. Try to limit yourself to giving around three examples, and highlight intrapersonal skills, and points of expertise that should not be ignored.
You will want to submit an email that is a friendly reminder to your potential employer after one to two weeks after sending in your application.
Show Your Gratitude
Competition for a position can be fierce, and displaying good manners has not lost its wow factor. If you are anxious to send off an email to a potential employer, you can do so hours after having a meeting or interview, if it is to say thank you.
Being gracious and thankful for an opportunity goes a long way, and the gesture of a thank you email does not go unnoticed. Make sure to use the name of the person you had contact with, to remind them that you were paying attention. It helps to add details covered within your conversations and to offer an invite to contact you in the future. Keep things short and sweet, but do show off your personality and people skills.
Delivering An Email After Deadline
After sending in your application and having some contact with a hiring manager, the timeframe you get for when a final decision will happen may come late. Depending on how busy people's schedules may be, it may take some time to get an official response when the deadline hits.
It pays to be patient. However, you can be proactive and follow up with an email within three to five days beyond the cutoff date. Make sure to thank your potential employer, and give them a friendly reminder to keep you in mind, and inquire lightly about the progress of their selection progress for a new hire.
Use An Introduction That Stands Out Among The Competition
One you thing you don't want to have in your email inquiry is a stale introduction. You should avoid phrases like, "Just wondering if..." or " I was inquiring about..."
Too many hiring managers have heard this form style letter before and are equally tired of opening an email that seems so cold and mechanically produced.
Applying for a job is a competition, so your follow up email after application should show off your personality, remind the potential employer of your unique skill sets, or introduce yourself in a way that is memorable in a good way.
Remember to use the names of anyone you contacted with, instead of a generic " Dear Potential Employer" opener.
Remind the hiring manager of your interest in the position, say thank you, and inspire your potential new employer to respond back to you favorably.
Say "Hello." Inject some personality into your email, and get to the point without wasting anyone's time, or showing trepidation about waiting to hear a decision. If you play your cards right and construct your email well, you may encourage a future phone call, in-person interview, or a faster email response back.
Things To Avoid In Your Follow Up Email
Despite your best intentions, it is important that certain things be completely avoided in a follow-up email after application. Case in point, you will want to make sure that you never use the following.
Displaying Anger
Do not whine or cry to a potential employer about why they didn't write you back. Chances are you haven't given things enough time, or you may not have been chosen to move forward after your application. You are emailing about an application for a job, not a relationship break-up. And it should be understood, that some companies do not contact a potential hire once a position is filled. So it was them, not you.
Everyone is on their own schedules, filled with responsibilities, other candidates to talk to, and just life. Professional communication at all times makes you look better to a potential employer.
Keep a level head, and use appropriate language when emailing.
Rushing To Point Out Failure To Adhere To Schedule
If a potential employer states that after application you are guaranteed to get a response, on a specific day or time, and the said response did not happen, don't rush to send a hastily written email. Give things some time.
It's a good thing if you are enthusiastic about possibly landing an interview or position. However, you don't want to come off like a petulant child if things take longer than expected. If you choose to send an email, remind the employer of your interest and how you are looking forward to learning about what's next. However, try to give it a few days before sending this type of email. Hiring takes time.
Come Off As Desperate
Okay, so if after sending in your application, you feel enough time has passed, and you haven't heard anything, hold fast. Be specific about what you want to know before sending an email.
Do not send an email about how you would love to get any unspecified response from a potential employer. It is better to ask if you can receive an update on the hiring process and to show off mild enthusiasm.
In the meantime, you do have a life, right? So you should not send an email that sounds like you are waiting by the computer or phone waiting for a notification. Do not come off as desperate.
Are You Picking Me
Do not outright email if you were chosen for the job for which you applied. And additionally, do not think that mentioning that you have other offers from other potential employers are going to make you a must-have choice. The hiring process requires looking over each candidate thoroughly to ensure they are the right fit.
It is unprofessional if you come off as pushy to a hiring manager about whether you are up for consideration for a position or interview. It's okay to mention to the company you are emailing that they are a primary choice and that you want an update if possible. However, you don't need to share that you have multiple offers to make yourself seem desirable.
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